Marketplace Solution Overview

Introducing Bidgely Marketplace. Watch this short video overview to learn more. At Bidgely we lead the customers interaction, making it hyper-targeted and friction free by personalizing the experience of purchasing energy related products & services. This integrated customer solutions can span across multiple business cases - CDM, CSAT, Ecommerce. With AI-driven personalization, customers see their featured offerings based on their unique appliance level energy savings potential. Customers then choose from a one-site stop shop to purchase through various third-party vendors and third-party contracting services.

  • Proactively Lead Customers to Marketplace Product & Service Categories Solutions
  • Educate & Build Confidence with Customers with Targeted & Personalized Product Offerings
  • One-stop Shop Online Experience with Choice of Third Party Vendors
  • Effective Selling via an Integrated Experience Approach